Sunday, March 17

Meema's 50th!

Baby A's Meema is a little bit obsessed with him. She loves being a grandma. And this weekend, she turned 50!

A is only 2½ months and has never been in the car for more than 30 minutes at a time. And Meema is a whole 3½ hours away in Idaho. Trying to take a baby on a long drive like that was why we wouldn't be able to be there to celebrate with my family... or at least that's what we told Meema!

The rest of my family was in on the little secret and we planned the drive time to coincide with A's naps. He slept like an angel for most of the drive and woke up right when we got to my parents' house, which was perfect because he's always the happiest right after a nap. My dad helped us get into the house unnoticed through a side door and M put A into his Meema's arms before she really had time to register what was happening.

It was incredibly fun to surprise her like that!

Unfortunately, we failed to get any photos of the birthday girl with the baby but here are a few we did snap over the weekend:

Baby A loving on his Auntie Amy

Huge smiles in his carseat on the way to see his Meema

Reenacting when Daddy helped him surprise his Meema

It was so fun taking Baby A to Idaho. I'd really missed going there over the past six months. Definitely a perfect weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this story! I bet it was one of her best surprises ever!
