Friday, March 29

Baby A at 3 Months

I love this kid so much! He is full of personality and constantly cracks us up!

Our attempts to measure him at home never seem as accurate as the doctors but, as far as we can tell, these are his stats:
  • Weight: 12 lbs.
  • Height: 23 inches
  • Diaper Size: He finally upgraded to Size 1 a couple of weeks ago!
  • Clothing Size: He now fits into his 0-3 Months clothing!
  • Likes: Food, bathtime, smiling, the TV, his reflection in the mirror, driving in the car or riding in his stroller, being held and getting to sit on his parents' laps so he can see the world around him.
  • Dislikes: Having to take naps, anytime mom isn't paying attention to him.
He has started grabbing things with his hands and it is fun to see him understanding the world around him even better. He especially loves grabbing mom's shirt and dad's arm hair.

It seems like he continues to smile more and more each day. Sometimes he'll be completely exhausted and falling asleep but notices you looking at him and a huge grin bursts across his face. It's adorable and makes even the most tiring 3 AM feedings worth it. His laugh is also continuing to happen more frequently and comfortably. It was almost as if it surprised/scared him when it first started happening, but he seems to enjoy bursting into giggles now that he's laughing more regularly.

As the weather has finally started warming up, we've been going for walks each day and Baby A loves the movement of his stroller. Usually by the end of a walk, he's fallen sound asleep in his seat and is the most peaceful way we can get him to take a nap. Getting him to fall asleep and stay asleep still poses a challenge sometimes but we are working on trying to make it consistent. The other magic option when we are getting desperate is the vacuum. Baby A loves the sound and somehow it lulls him off into dreamland.

He is such a happy baby most of the time and is so much fun! Despite all his smiling and giggling, it is a true challenge to capture it on camera because as soon as our phones or the camera come out, he is immediately mesmerized by the device and stops smiling because he is focusing so intently on it. The videos and photos we've been able to catch have to be done stealthily without him noticing! He's such a silly boy!

He is definitely the best thing and we are so grateful to have him in our lives!

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