Thursday, January 30

Surprise Surprise—Again!

Today was the gender revealing for our second little baby!! If someone would have told me a year ago that I would be equally giddy about knowing the second baby's gender as I had been about the first, I don't think I would have believed them. But oh gosh dang, I have been counting down the weeks and today seemed to take forever until our 2:30 appointment rolled around!

So, the thing is, I knew we were having another boy. Like seriously, I just KNEW it. This pregnancy has been so similar to my pregnancy with A, complete with minimal morning sickness and feeling well overall, that I interpreted it as a sign that it was another boy. {M wasn't convinced either way, but I think I had him swayed slightly more towards a boy just because I was so certain.}

Well... I'm officially 0-2 on this guessing game {so much for mother's intuition!} because our baby is a GIRL!!! And yes, I'm thrilled to not be outnumbered by the boys in our family anymore. There will be so much pink in this house and I'm already certain she’s gorgeous!

We were able to catch some awesome glimpses of her during the ultrasound, but most of the still-frame pictures they printed out for us ended up blurry. The only one that turned out clearly was the one pointing out that she is a girl... but flash forward 16 years, and I think both she and I will be grateful I didn't post her nakedness on the internet. So instead, my apologies for the blurry {and slightly creepy ultrasound-esque skeleton} picture of the front her face. I promise she has a really cute profile.

And I love her tiny little legs, feet and hands! She's simply precious.

I always look forward to hearing the baby's heartbeat to reassure me that everything is healthy and going great. Today, when the ultrasound tech locked in on her heartbeat and turned the volume up so we could hear it, A started dancing. I guess he likes hearing the heartbeat too and approves of his sister already because she makes good music.

So many friends as well as our families were anxiously awaiting the result of the gender reveal. We thought it would be a cute idea to have A help us announce the news to family and friends, so we set up a little photo shoot, bought pink balloons and made a little sign... but A had his own plan plan in mind. He bawled. We ended up with a lot of hilarious pictures of him appearing devastated about having a sister, but were finally able to snag this one good one thanks to some crazy antics from M that finally got A to give a little smile.

We think she is beautiful we are SO excited to have her be a part of our family!! I already love her so much!! And I am so glad to know for sure that she’s a girl because now I need {that's right, it's a need and not a want...} to start buying and sewing all sorts of pink, frilly stuff!

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