When we go visit my family in Idaho, we rent a car {because our 1998 Nissan Altima isn’t too fond of the drive and I happen to know a guy who can get us a pretty good deal on a rental}...
So this weekend, M picked up the rental car for us and we hit the road. About an hour into the drive, he asked me what I put in the trunk that kept thumping around. I told him I hadn’t put anything back there but that my stuff was all in the back seat. And we kept driving.
Finally when we stopped at a gas station, he said he was going to check what was back there. Sitting in the trunk was a gift wrapped box from Nordstroms and we realized whoever had the car before us must have forgotten the gift was back there!
M’s response: We’ll give it back for them to put in the lost and found, in case the people realize its missing and want it back.
My response: I wonder what it is!! Let’s open it!!
And, of course, my curiosity won. So I {and all my classiness!} opened someone else’s gift!
And then I realized my husband is a very good liar {No, this is not the first time I’ve made this realization either… maybe I should be worried…} because it was a new pair of shoes for me!!
They are red Toms just like the pair that I used to have and loved, but ruined when we were in Switzerland. A couple weeks ago, I had off-handedly mentioned that I’m gonna wish I had more Toms for this winter when my feet swell up and I want something comfortable to wear on my feet. It was a great surprise and made me so happy! I definitely married well. M is a total sweetheart!
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