Sunday, September 23

Fantastic Baby Shower Gift

We went to Idaho this weekend to visit my family. While there, something happened that makes me happy... and makes a great story.

My dad grew up in a rural area with lots of brothers and guns, and they enjoyed hunting together. Twenty-some-odd years later, he had a small herd of kids and a collection of guns of his own. The days of actually hunting animals came to an end but he taught his to shoot. We love setting up targets made from anything we can find! Shooting is a family favorite for quality bonding time together.

Family has always been important to my parents. And as their kids started growing up and leaving home, my parents began looking forward to the days of grandkids. My dad jokingly began to tell me how I needed to have kids so he could be a grandpa. And I jokingly began to tell him I wanted things like a handgun. Well, these jokes turned into one big joke of how the day my dad gets a grandkid, he’ll give me my very own firearm.

Well this weekend, my dad brought out a sparkly gift bag. He told us that because boys don't go to baby showers, he wanted to give us the baby shower gift from Baby's to-be-grandpa in person.

I had honestly thought our jokes were nothing more than just that - jokes. But I got my very own handgun now that my dad is getting a grandbaby!

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