Wednesday, June 29

A at 3½

3½ is looking pretty handsome today!

His stats are:
  • Weight: 34.2 lbs.
  • Height: 40 inches
  • Diaper Size:100% potty trained!
  • Clothing Size: Almost too tall for a lot of 3T but too skinny to wear 4T.
  • Likes: Repeating letters to spell words, counting to 20, playing all sorts of silly games with E.
  • Dislikes: Being tired, being hungry, when things aren't his idea.
This little guy is a whirlwind of energy, fun, and naughtiness all rolled into one! In the past few months, he has become more daring and loves to climb on everything, jump off anything, and run around everywhere. He loves going to the park, the beach, and taking walks along the trail by our house.

As much as I'm amazed by his excessive amounts of energy, I'm even more impressed by his cleverness! He can write his name and recently enjoys practicing writing his letters. He also knows the phonetic sounds of most letters and tries to sound out words he sees. He also wants to spell basic words, but still needs a bit of guidance to piece the whole word together.

He also loves numbers! He can count over 100 and quizzes us constantly with basic addition and subtraction. Although most equations we do deal with numbers under ten, I've been surprised at how easily his brain grasps the concept of math.

His memory is also really impressive. We can briefly show him a picture of multiple items and he remembers most of them once we take it away, but also still remembers it hours later! He talks about books or conversations we've had months ago. Unfortunately, his wittiness and his memory contribute to helping him be surprisingly good at lying, especially to avoid getting out of trouble!

Another thing that has been a challenge with his intelligence is keeping him engaged. He loved reading when he was little but has recently seemed bored with it. A couple months ago, I invested in some science-topic books geared for 5-8 year olds, and it's been great to see his interest in reading spark back up. His favorite is what he calls "the brain book" because it talks about all the different parts of the body and their functions, and his favorite of all is the page about the brain.

His love of science jumped another notch when he discovered "The Magic School Bus" on Netflix. I remember watching that show as a kid, several years older than him! It's so cute to watch him loving something I liked as a kid, and it's fun having 3-year-old conversations about how white blood cells fight bacteria or what happens to your food after you eat it.

Speaking of eating, he is constantly hungry! He needs to eat a decent amount of food every two hours or else he gets "hangry" and throws some threenager tantrums! Luckily, he's a good eater and gets less picky as he gets older.

He is a sweet big brother and tells everyone E is his best friend. When they play at the park, he will refuse to play with other kids and only want to play with her. He loves to boss her around and has had some struggles recently as she is becoming more independent. He is also very competitive and doesn't like if she does anything first or faster than him. But she absolutely adores him and they play together all day long.

He has a very tender, kind side to his personality. Although he has recently become energetic and naughtier than usual, I am continually impressed with his awareness and sensitivity. When I have a rough day, he gives the sweetest hugs and tells me cute little things that always help me smile.

When we moved to Michigan this summer, I was very curious how well he would adapt to the change and living in an almost-empty apartment. He has done really well and has made the transition better and more fun for E too. He loves sunbeams here and hasn't been nervous at all about having an entirely new class {although it probably helps that his class is a big group of all boys!} He also loves to shout "hello" to any of the neighbors we pass in the apartment complex and says hi to strangers in the store. It's been fun to watch him blossom socially.

He is such an amazing little guy and I'm so grateful to be his mom. I love watching all the ways he's developing and progressing into a wonderful little person.

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