Saturday, March 7

Adventures in Potty Training

Several months ago, we got a training toilet to put in one of our bathrooms. We've been working on that whole thing of being open and encouraging about all things toilet-related. Trust me, this is truly one of the joys of parenthood. I'm already so sick of pretending like bodily functions are super exciting—and this is just the beginning of this potty training process!

He will occasionally ask to sit on the potty when we change his diaper; mostly because he has a little container of M&Ms and he gets "tree tannies!" (aka "3 candies") as a reward any time there is a success. This past week, out of the blue, he kept talking about wearing underwear and saying he wanted some.

So today, we made a special trip to the "underwear store" and he excitedly picked out the ones he wanted. He was so proud and told people all along our way to the registers how he's getting big kid underwear. Considering that he is typically pretty shy, I thought it was cute to see him so excited about it.

Can I just say that boxer briefs on scrawny toddler legs is one of the cutest things I've seen?!

So far, he hasn't had any accidents and fingers crossed he continues to do well! I'm so proud of him—even if I think he's growing up too fast!

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