Sunday, April 20

Easter Weekend

We had such a fun Easter weekend! I think holidays are so much more fun when you have kids to share them with. The weekend started out with an egg hunt put on by our city at a local park. I was really impressed by all the work that went into it because A absolutely loved it. It was perfect for his first egg hunt ever!

Because he has never done an egg hunt before, I tried practicing with him at home first but he just looked at me like I was crazy with all the talk about eggs and baskets.

But then once we got close to the park, he started to get excited!

We got to the park about 15 minutes before the hunt began and I was very impressed with how well A waited outside of the circle like he was supposed to until it was time to start.

But once they sounded the firetruck horn to signal that the kids could begin hunting for eggs, A was off! Apparently the concept of putting the eggs in his basket made a lot more sense to him once he actually saw the eggs because he did an excellent job!

Once the eggs were gone, he was thrilled to sit down and check out what he had collected. But this cute kid just wanted to crack open all of the eggs and organize his treats into matching piles rather than eat any of it!

All in all, I think his first egg hunt was a success.

That afternoon, we went to a lunch with M's family. And they had set up another egg hunt for A and his cousin, Oliver. By now, A was a pro at this egg collecting thing! He tends to take things pretty seriously when he's focused... and he definitely didn't appreciate his mom and dad trying to make him actually smile while he was busy collecting. This was the closest to a smile we could get!

Once again, his favorite part was just seeing what was inside of the eggs and he hardly ate any of the fruit snacks!

Then Easter Sunday morning rolled around and A found some surprises from the Easter Bunny.

One of the traditions I grew up with is that the Easter Bunny leaves a trail of candy from your bedroom door to your basket full of goodies. I think A liked the trail more than anything else from the Easter Bunny!

The Easter Bunny also hid eggs in our backyard so he had his third egg hunt!

Then we got ready for church and A got to wear his new Sunday outfit from Meema! I don't really understand how he looks like he suddenly turned twice his age... but he is so handsome and grown up!

Oh gosh, I just love him!

Church was really great and it was such a good reminder to why we really have the Easter holiday. As much fun as the chocolate and eggs and Easter Bunny are, I'm so grateful for our Savior. It was a perfect day to connect together as a little family with fun for a kid as well as a powerful reminder for the grownups.

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