Today was our Baby Girl's 20-week ultrasound. I think she wanted us to know that she's gonna be a wild child because the very first glimpse of her was with her mouth wide open like she was screaming! She was extremely wiggly and already seems like she has a ton of personality. I can’t believe how much I already love her!
After we got home and I had a quiet moment alone with just myself and and my ever-growing belly, I got to think about how excited I am to snuggle this sweet little girl in my arms! Most days, I really hope the 9-month plan goes slowly because I'm not sure I'm prepared or competent to be the mom of two sweet babies. But seeing our cute baby girl on the ultrasound screen really squelched any patience I had and made me wish the next 4½ months can fly by so I can hold my daughter!
It’s still kinda crazy to think we’re going to have two little ones in our house and keeping us busy all hours of the day... and night! But then at the same time, it’s also crazy realizing how much I love her already!! Oh em gee, I am so obsessed with babies.
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