Friday, November 22

My Birthday!

All day, I was hoping someone would say "You don't look a day over 29!" Because yes, I just turned 29.

But despite not hearing the cliche phrase of my dreams, it was a really great day. M and A spoiled me completely and made me feel like the most important girl in the whole world.

New shoes, new pants, new book series, TONS of chocolate {M knows how to win my heart!} plus more! See, I told you I got spoiled.

My very favorite part of the day was that we also went out that night to see the new Hunger Games movie - just the two of us! I always love that we take A with us because we have so much fun hanging out just the three of us, but I was surprised at how amazing it was to go out on a real date. M and I were giggly and twitterpated and said it reminded us of life back when we were in college and dating. So much fun!

I am so grateful for such a wonderful husband and cute baby that made my day fantastic! And I am also so lucky to have such amazing family and friends who dropped gifts by, taken me out to lunch to celebrate, texted, called, social media messaged, and so much more to make me feel absolutely special on my birthday.

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