Here's a shout out to us.
Together we have made some great things happen.. College graduations, moving apartments and then buying the perfect house, awesome vacations in Europe and Mexico as well as a few here in the US, and welcoming a beautiful baby into our family.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to share this life together.
But for reals. I get a little emotional when it comes to my family and thinking about how lucky we are to get to enjoy being together forever.
I feel like I do a lot for our family yet you do even more. Thank you for working so hard each day to provide for our family. You are an amazing example to me of loyalty and unconditional love. Sometimes I think I take you for granted but I promise I try to show you each day that I appreciate you. Thank you for being the classy one in our relationship. And the logical one. The one who sets goals and has the discipline to stick with it. The one who is truly kind and sincere. Seriously, how'd I get so lucky to end up with an amazing guy like you?!
I love you M.
Here's to a million more days together!
See that silly grin? My boys are so good at making me smile like a crazy fool.
Aw happy anniversary! You guys are adorable.