Saturday, March 9

My Obsession with Babies

Three beautiful babies were born this week to three of my fantastic friends. And hearing the news that each baby had made their appearance into the world got me so excited because it meant those friends of mine had officially become mommies and daddies.

Over the past several months, quite a few of my friends have welcomed babies into their families. Each one has seems to have made me progressively thrilled for my friends... which has me thinking...

I'm obsessed with babies. I should probably start going to BA meetings... "Hi, my name is K and I'm addicted to babies!!" {Have you ever thought about the irony that the A in these meetings stands for anonymous and yet the most common thing we all associate with these meetings is introducing yourself... not so anonymous... but hey, that's a different topic for a different day.}

Babies. Babies. Babies.

People were so excited for us when we first found out that I was pregnant. And I logically interpreted their excitement as simply regarding the fact babies are cute and these people were going to be grandparents or aunts and uncles or have a new friend for their own baby's playgroup. It made sense and I appreciated the enthusiasm and support.

As my pregnancy progressed and I felt Baby A starting to wiggle and kick, I started to realize that maybe people were excited for us, not just because babies are cute, but also because they understood how I would start to fall in love with my little guy. It made sense because that was exactly what was happening.

Finally, the day came that he was born. And it was then that I truly began to understand why people had been so excited for us. That day, M and I met our baby and officially became his mom and dad. Words can't even describe that experience. Especially watching the man I married become a daddy, complete with cooing and cuddling the new and amazing addition to our family. And it began to make even more sense why everyone had been excited for us - they understood how this baby would strengthen our little family.

But it didn't stop there. The love I felt for M and Baby A that day was mind blowing. I didn't know it was possible to feel that much overwhelming love all at once. And it's continued to grow. I love my boys even more now than I did that day in the hospital delivery room.

Being a mom and wife is the greatest {even though it is also sometimes the hardest} thing I have ever done. That is why I get excited for my friends - the same way that others had been so excited for us. I am finally beginning to understand the awesomeness of parenthood even though my understanding of the depth of the love I feel for my boys is only beginning to scratch the surface.

And that is why I am obsessed with babies.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post! You're such a good mom. And I love that you are obsessed with babies--it cracks me up. But your little guy is seriously the cutest. And you're right, everyone is having babies! It's like a baby fiesta!
