These are his stats right now:
- Weight: 8.4 lbs.
- Height: 21.5 inches
- Diaper Size: He's still wearing newborn diapers and probably can for a couple more weeks because they fit well around his scrawny little legs.
- Clothing Size: Newborn. And they are finally fitting perfectly!
- Likes: Sleeping, eating, taking baths, still staring at lights, looking at mommy and daddy when they talk or play with him, being sung to, his car seat, having people hold him.
- Dislikes: Having gas bubbles in his tummy, cold diaper wipes, hiccups, not being held, and not having food in his mouth the instant he wakes up.
And for a little fun, we tried to catch his birthday to the minute...
Maybe I'm just an overprotective momma but it's a bit alarming how fast he's growing! I'd be okay if he slowed down just a little bit...
You guys seriously make such a cute baby. I can't believe it's been a month!