Tuesday, January 29

Baby A at 1 Month

I can't believe this cute little guy is already a month old! We love him so much! He's doing so well with his milestones in these first few weeks plus he has been completely successful in stealing his parents' hearts.

These are his stats right now:
  • Weight: 8.4 lbs.
  • Height: 21.5 inches
  • Diaper Size: He's still wearing newborn diapers and probably can for a couple more weeks because they fit well around his scrawny little legs.
  • Clothing Size: Newborn. And they are finally fitting perfectly!
  • Likes: Sleeping, eating, taking baths, still staring at lights, looking at mommy and daddy when they talk or play with him, being sung to, his car seat, having people hold him.
  • Dislikes: Having gas bubbles in his tummy, cold diaper wipes, hiccups, not being held, and not having food in his mouth the instant he wakes up.

And for a little fun, we tried to catch his birthday to the minute...

Maybe I'm just an overprotective momma but it's a bit alarming how fast he's growing! I'd be okay if he slowed down just a little bit...

1 comment:

  1. You guys seriously make such a cute baby. I can't believe it's been a month!
