These are her stats right now:
- Weight: 16.5 lbs.
- Height: 26.5 inches
- Diaper Size: She is fitting solidly in Size 2.
- Clothing Size: She is doing great with her 3-6 Months outfits.
- Likes: Anything A is doing, eating delicious pureed foods and anything else she can find, sitting up, army crawling, exploring constantly.
- Dislikes: Not being able to reach something, sitting still, not getting everyone's attention.
She is the most ambitious baby I have ever seen! I think she missed the memo that she is 18 months younger than her brother because she tries so hard to keep up with him. She is trying so hard to crawl and can take a few steps before resorting to an army crawl/squirm across the room so that she can play with anything A is using.
She really enjoys trying to play with her big brother. Now that she is able to come see what he is playing with, A seems to be realizing that she is a little kid too and they can have fun together. He also seems to have a love/hate relationship with that fact because he doesn't always want to share his toys! But it's cute watching them grow closer and gain a better understanding of their relationship.
When it comes to sleeping, she definitely prefers to be on her tummy. As soon as we lay her down on her back, she rolls over. It's cute how she knows exactly what she likes and how to get comfortable. She also will occasionally fall asleep in my arms {which I absolutely love!} and it's so fun to have her holding still and snuggled in my arms.
She doesn't have a favorite toy; she enjoys pretty much everything but mostly because she tries eating all of it. Books, stuffed animals, toys literally anything she can get her hands on goes straight in her mouth. She is fascinated with everything she sees and gets distracted easily by things around her.
We love her laugh and think its so cute how she gets excited by things and starts to giggle/squeak. Almost every time we get a bottle for her, she flails her arms like crazy and does her excited giggle.
She still doesn't have any teeth yet but she grins all the time and I love her huge toothless grin.
Food is possibly her favorite thing in life. She enjoys eating her pureed food and seems so happy to be sitting in her high chair up to the table with the rest of the family at dinnertime.
She also completely loves bath time with A.
Today was officially her half-birthday and so we had a little party to give her a little gift. Thanks to Christmas, she's now a champ at opening presents and tore into this one like it was no big deal.
We love her laugh and think its so cute how she gets excited by things and starts to giggle/squeak. Almost every time we get a bottle for her, she flails her arms like crazy and does her excited giggle.
She still doesn't have any teeth yet but she grins all the time and I love her huge toothless grin.
Food is possibly her favorite thing in life. She enjoys eating her pureed food and seems so happy to be sitting in her high chair up to the table with the rest of the family at dinnertime.
Today was officially her half-birthday and so we had a little party to give her a little gift. Thanks to Christmas, she's now a champ at opening presents and tore into this one like it was no big deal.
I just love this little girl so much! She is so much fun to be around. These months with her have flown by. Happy half-birthday to this little sweetheart!