Thursday, November 27

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year, we spent Thanksgiving with M's side of the family. His mum loves to throw parties and hosts a grand meal every year! She hosted the dinner at her new house and had quite the feast for everyone. It's always great to get everyone together. Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 22

My 30th Birthday!

Turning 30 has seemed like such a huge milestone—and I have been dreading it! I don't even have a solid reason why; I'm just feeling old and think that life is moving way too quickly. So as my birthday approached, my feelings of overdramatic woe grew stronger.

We made plans to go to Idaho for my birthday because I wanted to share the occasion with my parents and my cute little family all together. Maybe it's the recently onset old age, but I've decided the best things in my life are the genuine relationships that are there for me through the good times and the bad. So imagine my amazement when M wanted to take me to dinner the night before we left for Idaho... and it was a surprise birthday dinner with my two best friends and their families! My husband is perfect and gave me the best gift I could have possibly ask for—a chance to celebrate this milestone with all the people who mean so much in my life. It was the best birthday ever. Cheers to being 30.

Monday, November 10

Baby E at 4 Months

This little princess is getting to be so spunky and fun!

At her checkup, these are her current stats:
  • Weight: 12.8 lbs.
  • Height: 24 inches
  • Diaper Size: She is still wearing Size 1.
  • Clothing Size: She is still wearing 0-3 Months.
  • Likes: Playing with daddy, mommy and A, eating, laughing and being tickled.
  • Dislikes: Sleeping, having to play by herself, being held horizontally rather than upright.
I love that she is chunking up a bit and has made it to the thirtieth percentile in weight! She has the cutest thighs with the perfect about of chubbiness. To celebrate her 4-month mark today, she had her very first experience with solid food!

She is doing better with sleeping and will fall asleep when we put her in her crib awake. But she definitely prefers sleeping with her parents, particularly smashed right up next to her momma. She is calming down and seems less colicky more and more each week, which has helped to her not be so squirmy. Because of this, she actually snuggles when we hold her and it's so fun to be able to cuddle with her!

Her personality is very outgoing! She loves when people notice her and she bursts into a smile at even the slightest glance. She has also started laughing—which is the cutest sound in the whole world! She also seems very strong-willed and knows what she wants. She definitely prefers sitting and standing to laying down!

Because of how much she would constantly wiggle and squirm for the past four months, she is really strong! She's a champion at tummy time and loves being able to see all around her. She started rolling from her tummy to her back about three weeks ago but acted as if it were accidental, like she fell over and it scared her. Then, a couple days after that, she realized she could roll from her back up onto her stomach. For some reason she does this constantly but refuses to roll onto her back {which seems like the easier of the two options!} so she ends up stuck on her tummy and cries for help... and then rolls back up again as soon as she can. It's a never-ending cycle that makes bedtimes a bit tricky lately!

She absolutely adores her big brother and I think that she saves her biggest smiles for when he plays with her.

He is very protective of her and tries to help when she is crying, but he has always been hesitant regarding any sort of physical contact with her. But just this past week, he was willing to hold her/let her lay on his lap for the first time ever! It was adorable!!

TV fascinates her and she loves watching Baby Einsteins with A. It's so cute to watch her little face while she is so captivated by the colorful moving images on the screen!

She loves her muslin blankets and always wants it next to her face to soothe and help her fall asleep. When it comes to trying to swaddle her, she is a bit of a Houdini and breaks free no matter how well we wrap her up.

Her motor skills are continuing to develop and she has discovered her cute little hands. She grabs at everything and immediately it into her mouth. She especially likes when I leave my hair down because it appears to be very fun to pull!

She loves interaction and seems to get bored if we try to set her with toys for too long. {And by too long, I mean more than 4 minutes!} She is amazingly happy as soon as she gets attention and flashes the cutest, biggest smiles ever.

I love that she has such a strong personality and has definite preferences and dislikes. She's a feisty little girl and is becoming so much fun!