This cute girl has been growing up like crazy this past month! She was small enough when she was born that we're proud of how quickly she's growing and how healthy she is. This past month, I swear she's hit a huge growth spurt and is making so many developmental advances that I'm suddenly realizing she doesn't seem like my itty bitty baby anymore!
These are her stats right now:
- Weight: 15 lbs.
- Height: 26.5 inches
- Diaper Size: She wears Size 1 but she's ready to upgrade to the next size next time we buy diapers!
- Clothing Size: She fits in 0-3 Months but we've also started putting her in a few 3-6 Months outfits.
- Likes: Rolling onto her tummy, trying to crawl, giggling and smiling, playing with her blankets.
- Dislikes: Not getting attention, feeling hungry for more than 0.2 seconds.
She has the funniest laugh! It's almost a cross between a high-pitched squeak and a gasp for air. We love it and it makes us all start laughing. She likes to grab her blanket and throw it above her head and then pull it down quickly—almost like playing peekaboo—and bursts into laughter when she peeks back out.
Funnily, she loves tags and plays with the ones on her blankets as she calms down to fall asleep. She also prefers chewing on hard toys more than soft, plush toys and she puts everything she can find straight into her mouth. She also wants to touch everything and her hands are constantly moving. She has a really strong grip {and loves pulling mom's hair!}.
She already army crawls and gets on her hands and knees and rocks like she's ready to really crawl any day now! She is great at rolling but has never used it as a means for mobility; doesn't like to go from tummy to back.
She is a fantastic car buddy and loves falling asleep in the carseat. As soon as the car starts moving, she snuggles up with her blanket and dozes off almost every time! But as soon as the car stops and I try to get the carseat out, she's wide awake and ready to check out everything around us.
She absolutely LOVES A!! She watches everything he does with complete fascination and bursts into the biggest smile any time she sees him. He has been starting to realize how much fun she can be and they are starting to interact and play together more—which makes me so happy, as their momma, to see their friendship beginning to develop!
She's started eating solids but more of it comes back out {and all over her!} than goes in. She just wants to play with the spoon all the time instead of actually eating. She's tried oatmeal cereal, green beans, peas, and applesauce—and seems to definitely have a sweet tooth {like the rest of our family members} because she likes the sweet fruit the best! But more than anything, she just loves to eat!! She gets so excited that she starts flailing when we are bringing her a bottle; and as soon as she sees her bowl of solid food, she starts grabbing for the spoon.
We feel so fortunate to have such a sweet baby! She loves her family and smiles, giggles, and squeals for us all the time. She is so spunky and it's fun to see her trying to be a big kid and wanting to play with A. We love her so much and are so glad to have her in our lives!