His current stats:
- Weight: 19.3 lbs.
- Height: 29 inches
- Diaper Size: Size 3 still fits his ever-growing thighs and belly.
- Clothing Size: He's still in 3-6 Months clothes but we're about to move up to 6-9 Months.
- Likes: Standing, crawl-racing, playing with dad, watching big kids {he's fascinated by 3- and 4-year-olds because they can walk and talk!}, giving mom kisses.
- Dislikes: Having to sleep any time he'd rather be playing.
I love this little guy so much. He is my best friend and I feel so lucky that I get to spend every day with him {thank you M for working so hard and making it possible!!!}. Baby A is learning so many new things and amazes me every single day. Plus, I think he is insanely cute.
He loves to talk! He is back to saying "mom-mom-mom," but it is usually only when he is whiny and wants cuddling. His favorite word is still "dad-dad-dad" and he says it when he is excited about things. {Particularly when he sees electronic devices he wants to play with!}
His hair has finally gotten so long that it was hanging over his ears, so I gave it a little trim. Cutting an 8-month-old's hair is really tricky because they wiggle a lot!!
He is officially attached to a favorite toy - Kayla, his koala. It has gotten to the point that we needed to get backups and now have one that is permanently in the car and another in his crib. She helps prevent meltdowns and he loves to cuddle with her. She is the best $5 I think I have ever spent.
We have been able to spend time with his cousins lately and I just love watching how much he loves interacting with other kids. He and his cousin, Oliver, are only a few months apart and enjoy a lot of the same toys and games together.
The cute cousins both have stuffed giraffes... but didn't care for me trying to take pictures!
He also loves playing with his cousin, Riley {who is actually MY cousin's little girl, so I don't really know what relationship that is for the babies... so I just call them cousins because it's easier!}.
He thinks she is absolutely amazing because she is so grown up. She just turned two and A was invited to her birthday party, which was "Princess and Knights" themed and everyone was invited to dress up. It was so fun to get this little knight dressed up!
Besides a couple random instances, he is really good about not putting things in his mouth unless he knows it's food. But if he sees mom or dad eating something, there are no questions asked - all he knows is that he wants to eat it too. He eats what we have for dinner almost every night {and we have to wait to eat treats until after he's asleep so that we aren't giving him too much sugar!} and I think it's adorable to watch him chew with his little teeth. There are so many things I didn't think about babies having to learn {such as chewing!} until having helped A learn it.
As a little baby, he never really cared for his bink. He'd let us give it to him but he was never particularly attached to it and would usually spit it out pretty quickly. But ever since he realized how to put his bink in his own mouth, he loves the silly thing! He will find one lying on the floor and pop it in his mouth and leave it in while he crawls around and plays.
The other thing he loves lately is to work on standing up. He pulls himself up onto anything he can {including mom's legs while she's trying to do things...}.
He is so much fun and I love watching him learn. I try not to teach him things by helping him, but rather letting him figure new things out on his own. It's cute to see him working on new things and watch frustration melt into excitement when it finally clicks for him and he figures it out. He amazes me every day and I'm so grateful for such a healthy, happy, smart, and wonderful baby.