His current stats:
- Weight: 19 lbs.
- Height: 28 inches
- Diaper Size: He's still in Size 3.
- Clothing Size: He's still in 3-6 Months clothes.
- Likes: Eating, talking, crawling everywhere, climbing up everything, pretending he's two years older than he really is.
- Dislikes: Noises like velcro tearing or plastic packaging crinkling, being held by anyone but mom or dad.
He has been growing like a champion. He has finally gotten more used to eating pieces of his solid foods instead of needing everything to be pureed. I give the credit for this to his puffy crackers. Once he figured out that he could pick them up on his own and put them in his mouth, it was like he suddenly switched to love eating them.
He eats almost anything! Whatever mom and dad are eating, he wants it! Luckily for him, we like sharing. Today he got to try pizza for the first time and, like his dad, it's one of his most favorite foods! Another thing that he absolutely loves is french fries, just like his mommy!
He eats almost anything! Whatever mom and dad are eating, he wants it! Luckily for him, we like sharing. Today he got to try pizza for the first time and, like his dad, it's one of his most favorite foods! Another thing that he absolutely loves is french fries, just like his mommy!
It's so cute because he says "mmmm" when he's eating something he really likes.
He loves jabbering away and gets very talkative sometimes. He gets really talkative when he is around other babies who are talking - I guess he loves having conversations with other babies! Although he used to say "mom-mom-mom" {not in association with me, but just the sounds}, he seems to have abandoned that for his new favorite word, "dad-dad-dad," which he says non-stop. And he says "dad" anytime I ask him to say "mom."
He loves jabbering away and gets very talkative sometimes. He gets really talkative when he is around other babies who are talking - I guess he loves having conversations with other babies! Although he used to say "mom-mom-mom" {not in association with me, but just the sounds}, he seems to have abandoned that for his new favorite word, "dad-dad-dad," which he says non-stop. And he says "dad" anytime I ask him to say "mom."
Speaking of his dad, he absolutely loves him. He has been able to come home for lunch several days each week now that his office is closer to home, and A looks forward to it. They love to wrestle and play together.
One of the main reasons I feel like A seems waaaayyy too grown up lately is because he's figured out crawling! It started with just pushing himself up into position a lot, pushing himself backwards, and eventually taking one or two steps {are they still called steps when they are with knees instead of feet?!} but not really being mobile.
And then within a couple of days, he suddenly pieced it all together and was unstoppable! Now he's all over the floor and pulling himself up onto the furniture.
He has also figured out how to go from laying on the ground to sitting up, all on his own. Now, anytime we go to get him from his crib, we find him like this:
With his newly discovered freedom, he wants to be everywhere that mom and dad go. And that includes being in the kitchen when I'm trying to cook and clean. He's a fabulous helper with the dishes!
As you can see, something else to note about A is that he always has his big toes in a 'thumbs up' position! It cracks us up!
Another reason he seems so grown up lately is that he has a mouth full of teeth! Within the first seven months, he managed to get seven teeth! Four on top and three on the bottom.
While he was teething, his preference seemed to be the tails of his stuffed animals rather than things like those frozen teething rings. Anytime we tried to give him something specifically for teething, he would just find something soft and shove it in his mouth instead.
And yet another reason for seeming so big now is that he has upgraded into a big kid carseat. And he loves it!! He can see so much more and just stares out the window at everything while we drive.
He also doesn't need his stroller or baby carrier when we go to the store because he sits so well in the shopping cart! {But, as you can tell by his face, he likes shopping about as much as his mom does - a.k.a. not at all!}
He still loves going on walks, especially when we get donuts and hang out at the park to eat them together. He also loves going to the park. And he loves going places that we get to see animals.
As you can tell in most of his pictures, he has awesome hair that refuses to do anything but stick straight up. We try to make the most of it by spiking it down the middle, but I secretly love when his hair is not done and just doing it's own crazy thing.
To go along with his hair, he has very unique eyes too. The experts say babies' eyes typically have the first twelve months that they can change color so we aren't sure if they are still going to change. Ever since he was born, they have been a blueish-gray color with a golden-brown center. I absolutely love them and hope they stay like this!
And then within a couple of days, he suddenly pieced it all together and was unstoppable! Now he's all over the floor and pulling himself up onto the furniture.
He has also figured out how to go from laying on the ground to sitting up, all on his own. Now, anytime we go to get him from his crib, we find him like this:
With his newly discovered freedom, he wants to be everywhere that mom and dad go. And that includes being in the kitchen when I'm trying to cook and clean. He's a fabulous helper with the dishes!
As you can see, something else to note about A is that he always has his big toes in a 'thumbs up' position! It cracks us up!
Another reason he seems so grown up lately is that he has a mouth full of teeth! Within the first seven months, he managed to get seven teeth! Four on top and three on the bottom.
While he was teething, his preference seemed to be the tails of his stuffed animals rather than things like those frozen teething rings. Anytime we tried to give him something specifically for teething, he would just find something soft and shove it in his mouth instead.
And yet another reason for seeming so big now is that he has upgraded into a big kid carseat. And he loves it!! He can see so much more and just stares out the window at everything while we drive.
He also doesn't need his stroller or baby carrier when we go to the store because he sits so well in the shopping cart! {But, as you can tell by his face, he likes shopping about as much as his mom does - a.k.a. not at all!}
He still loves going on walks, especially when we get donuts and hang out at the park to eat them together. He also loves going to the park. And he loves going places that we get to see animals.
As you can tell in most of his pictures, he has awesome hair that refuses to do anything but stick straight up. We try to make the most of it by spiking it down the middle, but I secretly love when his hair is not done and just doing it's own crazy thing.
To go along with his hair, he has very unique eyes too. The experts say babies' eyes typically have the first twelve months that they can change color so we aren't sure if they are still going to change. Ever since he was born, they have been a blueish-gray color with a golden-brown center. I absolutely love them and hope they stay like this!
So I set out to find cute gender-neutral theme for his room but couldn't find anything I liked. Everything that could be for both boys and girls just seemed so girly to me! Finally, I found a colorful chevron and decided to use it to sew bumpers for him and used a lovely green color for the inside to keep it mellow for him while he sleeps. I finished it today and am SO happy with how it turned out!