Monday, April 29

Baby A at 4 Months

This kid gets more and more fun each day!

He had his checkup {and shots which made him horribly miserable, but that's another story for another day} and these are his current stats:
  • Weight: 13.1 lbs.
  • Height: 25 inches
  • Diaper Size: He is still wearing Size 1.
  • Clothing Size: He is still wearing 0-3 Months.
  • Likes: When dad comes home from work, when mom sings to him, standing or sitting up, laughing and being tickled.
  • Dislikes: Being sick, nursing instead of getting a bottle, being held horizontally rather than getting to sit up, loud noises and big groups of people around him.
I love that he is chunking up a bit and has made it to the thirtieth percentile in weight! As his doctor said, that's a big step up since his birth weight was the third percentile! I love my Chunky Monkey!

His personality is adorable and he definitely already has some quirks. One of our favorites is that, because he sneezes all the time, he's figured out the sensation and knows its coming and so sometimes he does a fake sneeze that sounds like he's yelling "Huh!" right before the real sneeze comes. It cracks us up every time.

Another quirk is that he does a little shiver when he pees. We first discovered this because he pees every time we put him in the bathtub. Then we started noticing he randomly shivers the same way throughout the day... and then suddenly the wetness indicator on his diaper turns blue. It's hilarious!

He still cuddles with me {which makes me a very happy momma!} but he is starting to be so distracted by everything in the world around him. He's enjoying tummy time more now that he is strong enough to hold his head up high and realizes it allows him to see all around him. He started rolling from his tummy to his back about two weeks ago but is still a bit uncertain about the fact that he is making it happen and not just falling over.

We got him a chair similar to a Bumbo and he loves sitting in it! He doesn't like to lay on his back hardly at all anymore and always wants to be standing or at least sitting.

TV fascinates him and although I swore I would never be the kind of mom that would just plop my kid in front of a show to keep him entertained, but while he was sick from his shots I lowered my elitest standards for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Henry Hugglemonster. He loves it! And the distraction really helped take his mind off how much his cute little body was hurting.

He has become very attached to his blanket {but truthfully, it's not a particular blanket but rather just any that are soft and fuzzy} and has to have it next to his face when he falls asleep.

By next to his face, I mean that is how we try to position it... but he likes to pull it up to his face. And a lot of times he pulls it completely over his head while he is soothing himself to sleep.

Speaking of soothing himself, he also likes to sing himself to sleep. But in actuality, this singing sounds more like a cross between moaning and humming. And it tends to get louder and louder until he finally falls asleep.

His motor skills are continuing to develop and he has become very adept with his little hands. He grabs at everything and immediately puts whatever he has found into his mouth. He is getting quite fond of pulling his mom's hair...

He is funny around people. He does well in one-on-one time with new people and, like his dad, has a special fondness for blonde girls. It takes a little bit of time for him to warm up to girls with darker hair because they don't look like his mom. He hasn't really met any blonde guys so I'm not sure if he'd be hesitant around guys that don't look like his dad too. And he really doesn't like large group settings and people talking loudly. He does fine at a restaurant or somewhere that the noise stays at a steady roar... but when we have company at our house and individual people are speaking loudly, he gets upset.

I love that he has such a strong personality and has definite preferences and dislikes. He's so much fun!

Saturday, April 27

Baby A's First Soccer Game

Anyone who knows M already knows the fact that he LOVES soccer {or football as he calls it in his cute British accent}. So it won't come as a surprise to anyone that he is secretly plotting how he can guarantee that his son shares the same passion for the game.

And one of the first steps to guaranteeing this is to surround him with soccer. So we took A to his very first live game!

Wednesday, April 24

Happy Birthday M!

Today was this cute guy's 28th birthday!

We think he is the best daddy ever. Baby A's smile is solid proof of how much he loves his dad!

For M's birthday celebrations, we had a party with M's family the night before and then spent the day together just the three of us. We thought about taking A to the zoo or aquarium but wondered how much he'd enjoy it... so we just went to the local pet store instead.

He loved the little animals but was especially fascinated by the fishies!

We also went to a park because both M and Baby A love being outside! It was fun just kicking a ball around and enjoying the sunshine.

Hopefully M had a fantastic birthday because we had a great time sharing the day with him!

And I just want to say that I am so thankful I was blessed to find and marry this man. He makes me so happy. He is even better than I imagined in a husband and father. I love his kind, giving heart and contagious smile. I'm such a lucky girl to have the two greatest boys in the world!

Friday, April 19

The Best Thing in Our Life

Ready for an extremely sappy post?

I found this picture in my album {an album of 1600 photos from his first 3 months of life... yes, we're a bit obsessed!} and it made me a little teary-eyed.

The whole teary-eyed phenomenon tends to happen fairly often these days. Which is so strange to me because I've never been one to be overly emotional.

And now I cry at the simplest things.

Like two days ago when we were listening to Pandora's Disney station and the Tarzan song "You'll Be In My Heart" came on. I was singing it to A with tears rolling down my cheeks {and he looked at me with a mix of concern and an expression like his mom is crazy...}.

But he really is in my heart. He has filled my heart with so much happiness. This picture encapsulates the feelings of pure fascination and adoration we feel for him. A has enriched our lives in a way I never thought was possible. Before he came along, I really thought our lives were happy and complete. I had no idea how much he would add to our world. His smile and little giggle makes even the worst days melt away. He is absolutely the best thing in life and we love him so much!

Monday, April 8

I Love Pictures

I have the cutest sister in the world and she came to stay with us for the weekend. And, because she's amazing and kind and generous, her fancy schmancy camera came with her to take family photos for us! I absolutely love how they turned out.

Thursday, April 4

A Phantastic Photoshoot

See what I did there? Yeah, I spelled fantastic with a ph. Just trying to be clever. Being a new mom and running on little sleep, that whole "being clever" thing is tough to do sometimes so please cut me some slack!

Now where was I going with that... oh yes, we had a photoshoot. I have a darling family friend from back in Idaho who happens to be an amazing photographer with just the bright, clean style I love for photos. You may remember the great job she did with our wedding...

Well, fate must love me because she recently moved to Utah and only about 15 minutes away from our new house! So, of course, I wanted her to do some baby photos of A. The photoshoot was tons of fun and the photos turned out adorable. Here's a sneak peak of some of my faves:

I love his eyes! They are the coolest blueish-gray I have ever seen!

I'm pretty sure he's the cutest baby that has ever existed {slightly biased mom speaking...}!

His legs rarely ever stop moving. His dad is thrilled because he may or may not be already planning Baby A's future soccer career...

Speaking of those future plans, I had the brilliant thought of "his dad likes soccer so I bet if I take a little soccer ball, we can get a really cute photo for his daddy!" Um, he obviously despised that idea.

I love this one because I feel like it pretty much sums up what we do all day: pull faces and make silly sounds at each other.

I have no idea what face he's trying to pull here but I like to tell myself he was just trying to do kisses back to his mommy...

And it looks like he's practicing for his future modeling career in this one. Blue Steel, anyone?

The giant bear tried to be pals with A... but he seemed a bit uncertain what to make of this big furry friend...

He was so adorable for pretty much the entire shoot! Dang, how did I get so lucky to have such a cute little boy?!